When learning becomes habit!
At Amplify, we are curious about doing things differently! Training was one area that we wanted to reimagine.
Just one tree
We believe it's sometimes the little things that can help to make a big difference:
Our experience approach
It is our experience that great feedback is almost always received because the service they received was engaging and authentic.
What’s in a name?
We each have our preferences. I have always preferred to be welcomed by my first name - even in luxury establishments, I find the less formal greeting using my first name feels more genuine. To find out what others thought I did a quick LinkedIn poll…
Workplace trends
The workplace has changed, potentially forever. The events of the last couple of years have seen a real shift in the employee experience (EX) being moved to the top of the agenda for business leaders, HR, and facilities professionals.
How sensors enable real estate strategy
How sensors in your office building can drive efficiency.